Friday, September 3rd 2004
looking at my books
i ask myself
why did i keep this?
Thursday, September 2nd 2004
a dying mouse on the sidewalk:
i'm unable to help
and feel helpless
Wednesday, September 1st 2004
a case full
of unread books
and still i order more
walking around with a camera
made me notice details
i never knew existed
Tuesday, August 31st 2004
rain falling into water
pigeons under the bridge
waiting for better weather
one way communication
getting no response
not even a thank you any more
Monday, August 30th 2004
cold air and rain
keeping me awake
on my way home
a room
japanese style
but overcrowded with books
Sunday, August 29th 2004
I'm in the mood
and i got sheets of paper,
but i forgot the pen. Again.
fat couple on a motorboat
parading by
nobody looks at them