Wednesday, August 12th 2015
nach dem Abendessen
ist es meistens
mitten in der Früh
fat kid with a
whiskey ad
on his shirt
Tuesday, August 11th 2015
ich glaube er schläft noch
zumindest hat er sich
schon dreimal geschnäuzt
Monday, August 10th 2015
every four years
a new set of
life long friends
he invented
a not where
there was none
Sunday, August 9th 2015
it works better
when it's
turned on
Wednesday, August 5th 2015
the pun at the end
was the real reason
he wrote the article
drowning in bathtub
seems to be a
hereditary disease
so your suggestion
is to sit around
and do nothing?
Tuesday, August 4th 2015
he could
genetically engineer
a zzhtml page