Dillo Fenderson
Tuesday, April 5th 2005

repeating is believing
repeating is believing
repeating is annoying

Dillo Fenderson

the advent of spring
makes plants, but also people,
come out of hiding

Dillo Fenderson

Sunday, April 3rd 2005

a night full of dreams
and yet i can remember
only one of them

Dillo Fenderson

Friday, April 1st 2005

lines in a book
triggered a great revelation
about something pretty obvious

Dillo Fenderson

Thursday, March 31st 2005

encouraged by a kindred spirit
i took photographs
of a dead insect

Dillo Fenderson

circling lonely
abandoned and unwanted
and by now unedible

Dillo Fenderson

Monday, March 28th 2005

i don't learn from mistakes
not even when i wrote
a haiku about them

Dillo Fenderson

Friday, March 25th 2005

playing billiard
shooting balls
like bullets from a gun

Dillo Fenderson

Thursday, March 24th 2005

you shouldn't go shopping
when you're hungry
except when you're in a bad mood

Dillo Fenderson

Tuesday, March 22nd 2005

a high fence:
not a barrier,
but a challenge.

Dillo Fenderson