Dillo Fenderson
Wednesday, July 14th 2004

Between railroad and highway,
an old house
covered with vines.

Dillo Fenderson

An old friend calling:
a familiar voice on the phone,
memories of a familiar face.

Dillo Fenderson

Pieces of old hardware
all incompatible
in subtle ways.

Dillo Fenderson

Sunday, July 11th 2004

Clouds and sun,
silver and bronze,
reflected in water.

Dillo Fenderson

lost in thoughts
missing the moment

Dillo Fenderson

The room is full
with junk.
I'm drowning.

Dillo Fenderson

Saturday, July 10th 2004

Darkness everywhere,
the night threatening.
All in my head.

Dillo Fenderson

Rain and wind,
memories of summer
washed away.

Dillo Fenderson

Thursday, July 8th 2004

Ich liege in der Wiese,
doch das ist verboten:
``Weg, weg, geschwind!''

Dillo Fenderson

Wednesday, July 7th 2004

I've done nothing wrong.
It's all your fault.
And yours, and yours, and yours.

Dillo Fenderson