Mrs. Bigglesworth, June 2012
Friday, June 29th 2012

schalter und kassen
sind der gegenpol zum
schnellen lebensstil

Mrs. Bigglesworth

Friday, June 22nd 2012

mein koerper
hasst mich
seit ich alt bin

Mrs. Bigglesworth

Wednesday, June 20th 2012

wenn der kuehler
nicht will
nuetzt alles nichts

Mrs. Bigglesworth

Monday, June 18th 2012

dass die amerikaner
noch nicht ausgestorben sind
ist verblueffend

Mrs. Bigglesworth

one hour sun
gave me more energy
than i can handle

Mrs. Bigglesworth

and again
its all about

Mrs. Bigglesworth

Saturday, June 16th 2012

in meinen traeumen
war meine befreiung
so nahe und schoen

Mrs. Bigglesworth

Tuesday, June 12th 2012

rockstar is
definitely the
wrong job for him

Mrs. Bigglesworth

Sunday, June 10th 2012

michelangelos trick
saved me
a lot time

Mrs. Bigglesworth

Thursday, June 7th 2012

ach wos foahr i gern
mitm d-woogn
quer durch wean

Mrs. Bigglesworth