Sunday, January 18th 2015
some answers
a kinski
Friday, January 16th 2015
action medidation
freezing point
Tuesday, January 13th 2015
eating his dinner
off of a
bar of chocolate
die eine läuft hin
die andere läuft her
zusammen laufen sie hin und her
the middle of the road
is an incredibly bad spot
to be indecisive
Monday, January 12th 2015
the alarm clock
must be
horribly mistaken
Sunday, January 11th 2015
the place still smells
of pancakes and i must say
i like that
Saturday, January 10th 2015
being hungry
never was
that expensive
a strong kick is
all the wrecking ball
i need
Friday, January 9th 2015
the crazy side
of switzerland is
incredibly entertaining