Tuesday, April 21st 2015
the spiders tumble
over each others legs
in my bathroom
Monday, April 20th 2015
the golden unicorn
eyes his brother
Sunday, April 19th 2015
it's a frog,
not a tick, but equally
hard to spot
Saturday, April 18th 2015
monsters have tiny
little voices, which makes
them hard to understand
Friday, April 17th 2015
the birds have
a hell of a time
laughing about my cat
there are times
when an aural-cerebral barrier
would be tremendously useful
it's a proof of something
i don't know of what, but it
definitely is a proof of something
Thursday, April 16th 2015
mopeds are
like cars
with cigarettes
Wednesday, April 15th 2015
das schlimme an der
reinprechtsdorferstr. ist, dass
die triesterstr. danach kommt
Tuesday, April 14th 2015
some things are
like getting kissed
by madonna