Monday, August 17th 2015
it's all about shoes
wether it's a dream
or an action movie
talking about
things that can
never be
i can't hold my breath
anytime as long as
i wish i could
Sunday, August 16th 2015
all my water is in
bottles with italian labels,
it tastes horrible
there is something utterly disturbing
about hearing the tire
deflate while going downhill
Saturday, August 15th 2015
aus den teiglingen
sind vier stattliche
brote geworden
the wind woke me up
and blew extra strong
to keep it that way
Friday, August 14th 2015
sind nur raupen
mit besserer PR
he made it sound like the easiest
thing, but i know i would crash
into the first obstacle present
some waters you don't
swim in, period. don't
be so resistant to advice.