Tuesday, February 22nd 2011
I was naïve enough
to think that sleep
makes you less tired
never think
a bad day
can't get worse
Monday, February 21st 2011
I dreamt I had a wound
and now that I'm awake,
my leg hurts
Friday, February 18th 2011
I don't understand half he's saying,
and I don't know which half
bothers me more.
he snackyfied
not any old drink
but water itself
whoever I talk to
whatever I say
today it makes them mad
gray sky, gray concrete
flower sprouting from a crack
lone splash of colour
Thursday, February 17th 2011
life - a million things
happening elsewhere while i
sit in the office
Wednesday, February 16th 2011
Das absolute Fehlen
jeglicher Rücksicht
ist durchaus erstaunlich.
Saturday, February 12th 2011
given my diet
I can't deny
being a mathematician