Friday, March 25th 2005

playing billiard
shooting balls
like bullets from a gun

Dillo Fenderson

the muddy roads
just add up
to my overall laziness


Thursday, March 24th 2005

the guy who killed
john lennon looks
like a fat elvis


you shouldn't go shopping
when you're hungry
except when you're in a bad mood

Dillo Fenderson

just another day
with wind
and surprises


Tuesday, March 22nd 2005

a high fence:
not a barrier,
but a challenge.

Dillo Fenderson

Monday, March 21st 2005

hadn't i walked in circles
i'd marched a tenth
of the way to seattle already


Sunday, March 20th 2005

the streets are full of restaurants
that have less atmosphere than
bus terminal waiting rooms


direction shepherd's bush
a man told me: walking
past me, going wrong


what looks like spring
through a window
is bitter cold outside

Dillo Fenderson