Saturday, February 5th 2005
bikers are only visible
when a car is right behing
them, or so it seems
when madness comes knocking
go in hiding or
don't forget to take a camera
Friday, February 4th 2005
fortunately for me
some people's lazyness
exceeds even mine
Dillo Fenderson
using words
to avoid silence
doesn't qualify as conversation
Thursday, February 3rd 2005
too tired
to appreciate
the adrenaline high
Dillo Fenderson
knowledge won't
keep me from repeating
the same mistakes
Wednesday, February 2nd 2005
even though i know it's wrong
i can't shake the feeling
that nothing works today
Dillo Fenderson
Monday, January 31st 2005
masses in shopping malls
i've seen happier faces
working minimum wage jobs
Dillo Fenderson
biking in snow
is lot's of fun
for all but my feet
Dillo Fenderson
communist concrete buildings
and capitalist glass and steel
are equally ugly and uninviting
Dillo Fenderson