Wednesday, October 6th 2004

hopes, wishes, a new life,
future, vanishing.
in a pair of sad eyes


Tuesday, October 5th 2004

ruining a trousers' leg
is a strange way
of showing affection

Dillo Fenderson

her eyes wide open
still she doesn't
see a thing

Dillo Fenderson

nothing in this life is fair
most bands would have circled
around the sun only once


Monday, October 4th 2004

sleeping and waking
night and day
it's all a blur to me

Dillo Fenderson

Sunday, October 3rd 2004

like stereotypes
who imitatates whom

Dillo Fenderson

Saturday, October 2nd 2004

watering the asphalt
in the rain
i don't get it

Dillo Fenderson

Friday, October 1st 2004

the woods are alive
with animals you can't see
in the night


strange people doing strange things
which are only strange for those
who are strange to them


saw stuff for three haikus
but i'm too tired
to write them

Dillo Fenderson