Saturday, July 31st 2004

empty, hostile faces
hiding absolutely nothing
alive but not moving

Dillo Fenderson

afraid of the weather
afraid of the guests
unable to wait the dishes


Sleeping in a town
that doesn't exist,
I listen to the music.

Dillo Fenderson

forgotten by the world
forgotten by the gods
rotting away


Friday, July 30th 2004

Pain in the toe
driving me mad.
And it's not even my toe.

Dillo Fenderson

sur en
the swiss idea
of a summer holiday


Nur wer sich selbst umbringt,
kann sich sicher sein,

Dillo Fenderson

way underground
withering away
from the poison in my toe


Thursday, July 29th 2004

had a dream of dying
just wish
i never woke up


Just want to lie down
and wait to die.
It's faster in the snow.

Dillo Fenderson