Tuesday, July 27th 2004

i'm tired
i want to sleep
i have to work

Dillo Fenderson

outside: a chainsaw killing a
tree. inside: eyes red
from lack of sleep


Monday, July 26th 2004

1 o'clock: body wants to sleep
fingers can't stop playing
bass addict


Sunday, July 25th 2004

so many people
different faces
all look alike

Dillo Fenderson

forgot my pen
great idea
rotting in my brain

Dillo Fenderson

Saturday, July 24th 2004

blissful exhaustion

Dillo Fenderson

new species
have to paint


Friday, July 23rd 2004

car faster than skaters
skaters faster than runner
having fun again

Dillo Fenderson

blue turtle
memorial of the dead
reminder of time lost

Dillo Fenderson

soothing routine
occupies the body
frees the mind

Dillo Fenderson