Thursday, February 10th 2005
never let go of something
you have, to gain something
you don't need
Wednesday, February 9th 2005
somtimes has
a high price
Monday, February 7th 2005
done it, used my brain
for thinking and have
a working computer again
some peoples tales
are like a joke
above the punch line
Saturday, February 5th 2005
bikers are only visible
when a car is right behing
them, or so it seems
when madness comes knocking
go in hiding or
don't forget to take a camera
Friday, February 4th 2005
using words
to avoid silence
doesn't qualify as conversation
fortunately for me
some people's lazyness
exceeds even mine
Thursday, February 3rd 2005
knowledge won't
keep me from repeating
the same mistakes
too tired
to appreciate
the adrenaline high