Thursday, August 6th 2009

two mothers
definitely are
too many

Dillo Fenderson

Tuesday, August 4th 2009

viennese drivers
don't pretend, they are
genuine assholes


i'm here
but i haven't
come back at all


Wednesday, July 29th 2009

big cars
are a substitute
for a brain


Tuesday, July 28th 2009

vienna celebrates
its idiots and lets
them all run free


Sunday, July 26th 2009

mandatory retirement exists
so we don't have to be morbid
and hope for a stroke

Dillo Fenderson

Saturday, July 25th 2009

i want a truck
then i'd drive
right over them

Dillo Fenderson

jogging down the middle of the road
slow suicide
with hope for quick relief

Dillo Fenderson

i prefer
light rain
to lots of people

Dillo Fenderson

Monday, July 20th 2009

in the forest my theme tune
is the high pitched
buzz of a hundred mosquitoes
