Friday, June 24th 2011
most of the time what i bring
home is dirt, but sometimes one
of the dark dots is a tick
Thursday, June 23rd 2011
some part of my brain knows
that i'm standing still, but that part
doesn't have much to say
nothing really
changed, but it looks
more familiar
Wednesday, June 22nd 2011
you shouldn't queue
longer for fast food, than
it takes to eat it
koerperdynamisches fotografieren
ist stoerend wenn
es hinter mir passiert
some straight lines
are loads of fun
or at least challenging
a nightmare that makes
absolutely no sense
is still frightening
Tuesday, June 21st 2011
wer schmetterlinge lachen
hoert, der weiss
wie wolken schmecken
the closer i get
to st moritz
the further away it is
if I were
the symbol of slowness,
I'd go in a straight line