Wednesday, March 23rd 2011
ich hasse das glück
jetzt nicht mehr, somit kann
es aufhören mich zu meiden
naïve enough
to think
she'd help
better to have died
than to have lived
in vain hope
Tuesday, March 22nd 2011
can they ever exploit their potential ?
when i think i saw it all another moron
is on the spot to surprise me
he has longer hair
in his armpits
than on his head
there´s no use for an "opposite-day",
the only helpful thing
would be an "opposite-life"
four humans and a cat
and all but me
are asleep
ever tried
catching a mouse
with a spider catcher?
Ist eh nicht der Sekundenzeiger,
dem ich zuschau
obwohl's so schnell vergeht, die Zeit.
Monday, March 21st 2011
two hands
ten fingers
total confusion