Sunday, March 13th 2011

multitasking gestures
greatly add to the havok
a child can wreak

Dillo Fenderson

Friday, March 11th 2011

why do
people keep
staring at me?

Dillo Fenderson

some people
really shouldn't
try to help

Dillo Fenderson

Wednesday, March 9th 2011

shutting out the world
gets tremendously difficult
with a sweaty back


Tuesday, March 8th 2011

das klo
ist ein


upside down
i'm unrecognisable
even to myself


i can´t get
the jobs i
don´t want

Mrs. Bigglesworth

Monday, March 7th 2011

with all my heart
I wish for
local warming

Dillo Fenderson

Sunday, March 6th 2011

seeing him again
after two days spent apart
my love is stronger

Dillo Fenderson

Thursday, March 3rd 2011

ohne leben
kann man leben
ohne geld nicht
