Friday, January 14th 2011
the ATM spitting out
20 euro bills could
lead to my bankruptcy
i really wanna sell
my soul, but it looks
like satan is insolvent
Thursday, January 13th 2011
if fractions
are the devil's work
so are circles
endless lines of sad cars
unable to reach their potential
in stop and go traffic
Tuesday, January 11th 2011
and still:
the telly
Monday, January 10th 2011
suffering from the
"bang-muffin" syndrome
he stays under the TV
after the twelfth
time i start
to ooze
das krokodil ist
tendenziell gruener,
als es lang ist
today everybody informs
me about
their chronic illnesses
Sunday, January 9th 2011
until my craziest demands
are met, fantasy
can't be at peace with reality