Sunday, July 8th 2012
the music is bad
because the station
is Austrian
Saturday, July 7th 2012
you never get too old
to have fun
with a new toy
dylan betritt die bühne
und aus der 5. reihe sitzplatz
wurde eine 2. reihe stehplatz
once again
pretended ignorance
saved the day
im fenster des
nachbarhauses spiegelt
sich eine kuh
Friday, July 6th 2012
what i simply can't grasp
is that they do it
willingly every day
200 km southwest of vienna
the temperature
dropped 20 degrees
wie zuhaus
schnell weg!
username and password
on the border of the screen
facing the customer
Thursday, July 5th 2012
i was standing in front
a wall of rain.
then it moved towards me