October 2013
Thursday, October 17th 2013

maybe i should be
vacationing in places i'm
more eager to leave


like a little wonder
i found caches for
all the travelbugs


and miles
of beach


Wednesday, October 16th 2013

i never braked for a
spider before, cuz usually
i don't see them


off duty superheroes
discussing their status
as superheroes


now can I
please listen
to Phish again?

Dillo Fenderson

das leben besteht
grossteils aus
armut, tod und elend

Mrs. Bigglesworth

waer ich sozialempfaenger
koennte ich mir endlich leisten
fusel bei der tanke zu kaufen

Mrs. Bigglesworth

please show me
the way to the next
biophile planet

Mrs. Bigglesworth

things don't
dry well
in the rain

Dillo Fenderson