Friday, December 20th 2013

ich bewerfe dich
mit Photonen
bis du umfällst

Dillo Fenderson

with a warmer climate
200% of the population would
suffer from intestinal worms


what contacts
are for

Dillo Fenderson

Thursday, December 19th 2013

at least
this pollution
looks kinda nice

Dillo Fenderson

Wednesday, December 18th 2013

Amazon Yesterday Shipping
is a reality
that doesn't work

Dillo Fenderson

Tuesday, December 17th 2013

die menschen
treiben es olfaktorisch
viel zu weit


und die armen
zombies müssen wieder
daran glauben


I'm considering
to become a
religious person

Mrs. Bigglesworth

-2 celsius, feels with wind
like -6 celsius,
feels like staying in bed


Monday, December 16th 2013

I agree it's different
but I disagree that
that's an advantage

Dillo Fenderson