Tuesday, February 5th 2013
allein der klang der
stimme laesst auf
grandiose bloedheit schliessen
taking an all-in
job was - not much
surprisingly - a bad idea
is being fat
a prerequisite for
becoming a bus driver?
Monday, February 4th 2013
my fingers
smell of
cat breath
my brain is no help
with reconstructing
recent events
Sunday, February 3rd 2013
what started as a nice trail
ended indistinguishable from
the rest of the forest floor
i am not so special
you are
just so ordinary
Floridsdorf kann
sein wahres Gesicht
nicht verbergen
Saturday, February 2nd 2013
telefonieren im
oeffentlichen Raum
ist eine Unart
die einzigen freundlichen
personen in der dienstleistung
sind heuzutage nur die häuselfrauen