Sunday, September 5th 2004

Koennten meine Zehen schreiben,
gaeb's von heute
sicher ein haiku mehr.

Dillo Fenderson

uncomfortable night
and cold air
robbed me of motivation

Dillo Fenderson

black silouettes
against pale blue sky
lightning in the distance

Dillo Fenderson

Saturday, September 4th 2004

i'm too dumb to live
and in this society
not dumb enough to die

Dillo Fenderson

cats in beds
are like gas in air
they evenly fill out the whole space


Friday, September 3rd 2004

hardrock is like
a hollow promise
that never delivers

Dillo Fenderson

woman of impish stature;
the handles are too long
so the bags touch the ground


looking at my books
i ask myself
why did i keep this?

Dillo Fenderson

after a while
sitting around, waiting
becomes disturbingly natural


i like
reading haikus
but don't know how to write them
