Tuesday, August 31st 2004

the music he listens to
is played by models
with instruments as accessories


Monday, August 30th 2004

cold air and rain
keeping me awake
on my way home

Dillo Fenderson

guy next door, washing his car
never saw him spend
that much time with his family


a room
japanese style
but overcrowded with books

Dillo Fenderson

walking in the right direction
thinking the right thoughts
but still fucking it up


Das Zimmer ist so voll.


Sunday, August 29th 2004

I'm in the mood
and i got sheets of paper,
but i forgot the pen. Again.

Dillo Fenderson

fat couple on a motorboat
parading by
nobody looks at them

Dillo Fenderson

too tired yesterday
to think out a dog haiku.
probably spared me nightmares


Saturday, August 28th 2004

it's late and i'm tired
but there's always one more thing
to keep me awake

Dillo Fenderson