Saturday, November 8th 2014
being left without food
shook his
cat-life to the core
the advantage of
making less coffee:
it's easier to spill
four hours on the
day of the deadline
I hate them
Friday, November 7th 2014
the authoritarian father made
his childhood hell by not letting
him put the feet on the table
finally, a written proof
of the unacceptability of
public mass transport
Thursday, November 6th 2014
telephone calls
are still not charged
by the second
learning a new language
is both fascinating
and excruciating
drifting unfathomable pointless
unwilling tenacious wandering
irreconcilable boring degenerative
nach gründlichem abwägen
habe ich vom sekundenschlaf am rad
abstand genommen
he was right
but didn't fully understand
what he was saying