July 2014
Friday, July 11th 2014

my kids
turned popcorn
into cop porn

Dillo Fenderson

the secret ingredient
of Italian washing powder

Dillo Fenderson

power outlets
are the most expensive parts
of a hotel room

Dillo Fenderson

nowadays everyday
is one of
'these' days

Mrs. Bigglesworth

Thursday, July 10th 2014

ach, zwei Seelen wohnen in meiner Brust
der einen ist schon schlecht,
die andre ist noch hungrig

Dillo Fenderson

how difficult could
it actually be
to miss a plane?


one more
plastic barbie shoe
an i'll go berserk

Mrs. Bigglesworth

All that
grows is

Mrs. Bigglesworth

Wednesday, July 9th 2014

ich werde noch wahnsinnig.
was ich nach genauere überlegung
gar nicht will.


the mouth:
a man's
third hand

Dillo Fenderson