August 2015
Tuesday, August 11th 2015

wir stehen
am grab der
deutschen sprache


i'm not sure
i can do this
but i know i can try


ich glaube er schläft noch
zumindest hat er sich
schon dreimal geschnäuzt

Dillo Fenderson

Monday, August 10th 2015

beweg dein oarsch schneller,
geh heut zum hoarschneider.
besser es is moarsch werner.


Manche Kurven
sind runder
als andere.


every four years
a new set of
life long friends

Dillo Fenderson

he invented
a not where
there was none

Dillo Fenderson

Sunday, August 9th 2015

it works better
when it's
turned on

Dillo Fenderson

Saturday, August 8th 2015

all things low on sugar
slowly disappear
from supermarket shelves


Friday, August 7th 2015

the legs working overtime against
the gravitational pull of a fall
can hardly be called running
